This week in our series on sustainable leadership, we focus our attention on why it is that we do the things we do.

For the most of us, we feel better when we make decisions based on our values and on things that excite us. It is when we deviate from this path that we often start to feel less good with our lives. Many of you will no doubt agree that there is a vast difference between going to work each day and doing a job you love and that is leading you somewhere, than from going to work each day and doing a dead-end job that you hate. That difference has an enormous effect on your health and well-being, it affects your family and colleagues, and if you are in a leadership position it often has a knock-on effect on your team.

We all need to be aware of why we are doing what we are doing. We all need to know where we are going and it helps a lot if we are truly passionate about getting there. Ask yourself if you feel you are going where you really want to be going? Does your “why?” leave you feeling anxious and sleepless on a Sunday night, or does it instead fill you with joy and excitement on a Monday morning?

At Think Do & Grow, when we coach individuals and leaders, we spend a lot of time trying to discover your ”why?”. We do this because we know that finding your ”why?” can be the start of an unforgettable adventure that can positively change the rest of your life.  Do you need help to find your “why?”
Contact info@thinkdoandgrow.com for more information about how we can help you become a more sustainable leader.