At Think Do & Grow we have worked with hundreds of leaders from hundreds of different companies and organisations. From this wealth of experience we have put together five things that we think a leader should never do. Do you agree? Feel free to comment below and let us know what you think.
1) Never miss an opportunity to encourage others.
Everyone works better when they have a leader that encourages them and believes in them. Sometimes it is easy as a leader to get dragged down with day to day activities and not give time to the people in your team. However, it is important to never miss the opportunity to give praise where it is due and to remind someone that they are doing an important job.
2) Never make commitments you don’t intend to keep.
As a leader you are only as good as your word. Never promise things that you know you can’t fulfil. Doing so will quickly get you the reputation as someone who can’t be trusted and you will lose the support and faith of your team.
3) Never believe that you know everything.
Being a leader isn’t necessary about being the best at everything. It is about employing the right people and giving them the correct materials and environment to do what they are best at. It is fine for a leader not to have all the answers, in fact if you allow your team to come up with the answers between them it will create a much healthier working environment.
4) Never stop listening.
As a leader one of your main tasks is to listen. You are rarely learning when you are talking. When we stop to listen then we allow ourself the chance to broaden our horizons.
5) Never try and lead others before you can lead yourself.
Every leader is made up of their individual attitudes and values. When we discover what these are and begin to work with them then that is when our true capabilities as a leader can really be unleashed. Many leaders find that our “Focussed Leadership” programme is a great way to discover their individual leadership potential. Contact us today to start your own journey of self leadership discovery.