The old saying that the customer is always right is of course not true in every case. Customers can be wrong at times and when this happens it is how you as a leader chooses to react to them that ultimately reflects how your company is perceived. As a leader you should be acutely aware of what your customers think. Don’t just rely on reports from lower managers or customer survey results. Get out on to the shop floor or spend a day manning the reception desk or on the customer service telephone.
Here are five reasons why we think that every leader should listen to their customers.
1: If you don’t listen to your customers then they will go elsewhere:
Everyone likes and expects to be listened to. Even if they don’t like or agree with what you say, giving someone your ear is much better than having a disgruntled customer saying that you don’t care and that you don’t listen.
2: Your customers know what they want and need:
If you fail to adapt your product or service based on what your customers need, then it is very likely that another company will. If your customers are crying out for a change that can be easily made then at least consider it, or if not give your customers a good explanation as to why it can’t be done
3: Your customers can tell you what they think of your competitors:
Hopefully your customers will be telling you that they like doing business with you and your company. The reasons that they choose to come to you can often be reasons why they and others choose not to go to your competitors. Ask your customers why they have chosen you, highlight these strengths and build upon them.
4: Your customers will give you an honest opinion of your company:
If you want to know what your company is really like then ask your customers. Do the things your customers say about you match the company values that you claim you have? Do your customers keep on coming back to you and also recommend you to their friends and family? If no to both of the above, then why not?
5: Your customers pay your bills:
Without your customers then your company would look very different. At the end of the day it is your customers that will determine how successful your company will be. Treat your customers with honesty and respect and your company will thrive, treat them with apathy and contempt and your company will dive.