Don’t forget to party!


In one of our Inspirational Leadership podcasts, we interviewed a leader of a start-up who told us how that every time an order came in on the company website, then the whole family would do a little celebration dance around the living room. For a small family business, this was always a special moment and a something that everyone in the house looked forward to.

Celebrating a goal or an accomplishment gives you the chance to look back and see all the hard work you have put into getting the wanted result. It also gives you the opportunity to celebrate with, and acknowledge all those around you that have helped you reach your goal. Most of us to some extent are reward driven. Even if the goal itself is motivation enough to want to succeed, it can still be nice to treat yourself and your team to an extra special something as well.

The lure of a well thought out prize can be an extra motivation in itself. Maybe it is the promise of a company party if you reach your sales targets, or perhaps it is rewarding yourself with a chocolate from the chocolate box for getting your tax return filed on time.  In business, we are often quick to dwell on the negatives but not so fast as to celebrate the positives… This is something that needs to change!

What can you celebrate in your workplace today?

Don’t forget to party!